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Hillert family representative/Kathryn Hillert Brewer

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Numerals refer to the folder in the manuscript archive


Ps. 1: Happy Are Those Who Delight 93.02 (PDF downloadable) (mp3 file)

Unison choir, flute, harp, strings, organ or Unison choir and organ GIA1995

Ps. 4: Only You, Lord, Make Me Dwell in Safety 84.07

High/low voices
Psalm Antiphon (Prayer at the Close of Day)
Ps.8: Two Seasonal Psalms 75.02 Unison choir, congregation, organ

    1. Psalm 8, for Name of Jesus, Holy Trinity
    2. Psalm 100, for Pentecost

Texts: A Liturgical Psalter for the Christian Year,
M. H. Shepherd, Jr.
Seasonal Psalms for Congregation and Choir,
APH, 1978

Ps. 19: Verses from Psalm 19 01.06

Congregation, choir, trumpet, organ
For Concordia University, River Forest, IL Alumni Reunion, July 22, 2001

Ps. 19: You Have the Words of Eternal Life 03.04

SATB and organ
Antiphon: John 6:68; verses from Ps. 19
For Centennial Celebration of Grace Lutheran Church and School, River Forest, IL, 1902-2002

Ps. 23: The Lord's My Shepherd 72.05

Text: verse paraphrase, Ps. 23
Based on Happy Souls, traditional American hymn tune CPH 1979

Ps. 24: Lift Up Your Head, O Gates 83.02

Psalm motet, SATB

Ps. 27: The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation 98.02

Unison choir, trumpet, (or other woodwinds), organ
GIA, 2000

Ps. 29: Ascribe to the Lord the Glory 83.02

Psalm motet, SATB; CPH, 1988

Ps. 31: Create in Me a Clean Heart 83.02

Psalm motet, SATB

Ps. 34:1 Will Bless the Lord at All Times 87.02

Responses: SATB/ Congregation, organ
Verses: cantor, unis, choir, organ
Service Music for the Mass, Volumes 1 and 5, J. S. Paluch, 1987-88

Ps. 34:1 Will Bless the Lord at All Times 02.12

Unison, English horn, pizzicato, organ

Ps. 42: As the Deer Longs for the Water-brooks 95.03 (PDF downloadable)

Unison choir and keyboard or Oboe, harp, strings, choir, keyboard

Ps. 46: Three Introits for Trinity 16-17-18 and Psalm 46 66.07

Unison, congregation, keyboard

Ps. 47: God Has Gone Up with a Shout Alleluia 83.02

Psalm motet, SATB CPH, 1987

Ps. 50: Antiphon and Psalm for Transfiguration 03.02

Choir, Congregation, keyboard, opt. brass quartet, timpani

Ps. 51: Create in Me a Clean Heart 77.10       

Psalm Canticle for Congregation
Text: Ps. 51: 10-12
For LBW, Settings One, Two, Three, 1978

Ps. 66: Be Joyful in God, All You Lands 95.10 (PDF downloadable)

Congregation, SATB, organ
From the Propers of Pentecost 7, Sounds of Summer, for Carlos Messerli Sioux Falls, South Dakota, July 1995

Ps. 67: May God Be Merciful to Us 84.06 SATB, organ

Psalm for Wedding: Ps. 67
Refrain: Ps. 33:5: The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord

Ps. 68: Sing Praises to God 96.05

Antiphon, Seventh Sunday of Easter
Children, SATB, organ (opt. solo trumpet and horn)

Ps. 72: All Kings Shall Bow Before Him 84.07

Psalm Antiphon (Epiphany), LBW Ps. Tone 3

Ps. 84: How Dear to Me Is Your Dwelling 85.01

SATB Psalm Antiphon, LBW Psalm Tone 6

Ps. 90: So Teach Us to Number Our Days 83.02 (PDF downloadable file) (mp3 file)

Psalm motet, SATB
CPH, 1992

Ps. 91: He Shall Give His Angels Charge over You 91.09 (PDF downloadable) (mp3 file)

Verses from Ps. 91:9-12; 15-16
Choir, oboe, string quartet, keyboard (optional versions: oboe, choir, keyboard; choir and keyboard)
GIA, 1993

Ps. 92: It Is Good to Give Thanks 71.05

Choir (men/ women), small drums, castanets, wood blocks, small bells, organ chimes, pizzicato, organ pedal

Ps. 95: Come, Let Us Sing to the Lord (Venite exultemus) 77.11

Unison, with LBW psalm tone LBW, 1978

Ps. 96: Sing to the Lord a New Song 99.08

Congregation, choirs I and II, brass quarter, timpani, organ

Ps. 100: Two Seasonal Psalms 75.02

Unison choir, congregation, organ

  1. Psalm 8, for Name of Jesus, Holy Trinity
  2. Psalm 100, for Pentecost 4

Texts: A Liturgical Psalter for the Christian Year, M. H. Shepherd, Jr.
Seasonal Psalms for Congregation and Choir, APH, 1978

Psalm 100 (Jubilate Deo)  83.14 (PDF downloadable)

SATB acapella

Written for the inauguration of President Eugene Krentz

Ps. 100: How Great Is Your Name 87.06

Unison or SATB voices, congregation, organ, with opt. brass quintet, timpani
Refrain from Ps. 8
See Extended Choral: "How Great Is Your Name"
GIA, 1988

Ps. 103: Bless the Lord, O My Soul 83.02 (PDF downloadable)

Psalm motet, SATB

Ps. 104: Alleluia I Will Sing to the Lord As Long As I Live 83.07

SATB, children's choir (opt.), congregation, trumpet, (oboe opt.) timpani, organ
Psalm refrain usable with Psalms 146, 147, 148, 149, 150
For Paul and Vicki Bouman: Grace Lutheran Church, River Forest, May 22,1983.
APH, 1985

Ps. 104: Send Forth Your Spirit 02.07

Congregation, choir, brass quartet, timpani, organ
Antiphon and verses from Psalm 104 (for The Day of Pentecost)
Valparaiso University Chapel Commencement 18 May 2002, Lorraine Brugh, dir.

Ps. 107: Hymn: O Give Thanks to the Lord 81.09

Unison and piano

Ps. 117: Praise the Lord, All You Nations 85.04

Psalm Antiphon. SATB, with LBW Psalm Tone 1

Ps. 118: Festival Psalm for Easter Day 81.03

With Antiphon, "This is the day...", Choir, congregation, SATB, brass quartet, timpani

Ps. 118: Psalm for Easter Day 81.05

Congregation, cantor, unison choir, celebrant, organ ICEL, 1982

Ps. 118: The Psalm for Easter Day 92.07

Congregation, SATB, organ, brass quartet, timpani

Ps. 118: Alleluia This Is the Day 83.02

Psalm motet, SATB;
CPH, 1987

Ps. 118: Antiphon: Festival Psalm for Easter Day 01.04

Rev. of 81.03, altered version of psalm text Ps. 119:
Antiphon for Psalm 119 Num 82.08
SATB. LBW Psalm Tone 5

Ps. 122:1 Was Glad When They Said to Me 68.06 (mp3 file)

Children's choir, mixed choir (SAB), and oboe See "I Was Glad When...," Extended Choral

Ps. 122:1 Was Glad When They Said To Me 77.04

Choir (unison), organ, 2 trumpets, opt. handbells, timpani
For Golden Anniversary of Pastor A. R. Kretzmann First performance: choirs of Lutheran Church of St. Luke, October 2, 1977, James H. Gladstone, director
CPH 1980

Ps. 128: Psalm, Alleluia, and Gospel Verse for Marriage 80.08

Congregation, SATB or soloist, opt. brass, organ
First performance: Church of the Ascension, Chicago, August 23, 1980, Henry V. Gerike, dir.

Ps. 144 (145): I Will Praise You Name Forever 83.05

Responsorial Psalm for cantor, congregation, organ
For the 10th annual Chicago Archdiocesan Choral Festival, May 1, 1983, Carl Schalk, dir.

Ps. 145:1 Will Exalt You, O God and King 95.06 (PDF downloadable)

Unison, oboe, organ

Ps. 150: (Mauduit) 81.01

SSATB, flute, 2 oboes, bassoon, 2 trumpets, 2 trombones, percussion, timpani, strings
Instrumentation of choral work by Jacques Mauduit (1557-1627)
Text: tr. from French by Virginia Stroh Red

Ps. 150: Alleluia Praise God in His Holy Temple 83.02 (PDF downloadable file) (mp3 file)

Psalm motet, SATB;
CPH, 1987

Ps: 150 Hallelujah Praise God in His Holy Temple 91.03

SATB, brass quintet, and timpani
For Kathryn Hillert and Mark Brewer, February 23, 1991

Ps. 150: The Spirit of God Hovers, Creates, Descends... 02.11 (PDF downloadable file) (mp3 file)

SATB, organ
Text: Don E. Saliers, paraphrase of Ps. 150
See Extended Choral: "The Spirit of God..."

10 Tones for Antiphons 78.06

For chanting the psalms and canticles, compatible with LBW psalm tones
Manual on the Liturgy, LBW, Philip H. Pfatteicher and Carlos R. Messerli;
APH, 1979

Psalm Antiphons for Lent, Holy Week, and Easter 82.02

17 antiphons for choir (2 or 4 part), unaccompanied

Psalm Antiphons for the Season of Easter 84.04

2- or 4-part, high/low voices, unaccompanied, opt. horn

Two Psalm Antiphons 84.07

  1. For Ps. 4 (Prayer at the Close of Day); high/low voices
  2. For Ps. 72 (Epiphany); SATB, LBW Ps. Tone 3

Four Psalm Refrains for Easter 87.05

Easter Day and Easter 2, 3,4, Series A
Congregation, choir, organ

Two Psalm Refrains 99.02

Unison (Congregation), organ

  1. The Lord has set his throne in heaven
  2. I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me

World Library Publications, 1999