Composer Hollis Thoms, whose works are part of the Center’s archive, is having performances of two of his requiems in the fall of 2021. His Requiem for 9/11 (2003) for soprano and string ensemble will have a performance at The Heritage Museum in Bismarck, North Dakota by Dakota Pro Musica under the direction of Dr. Jason Thoms. Natalie Campbell will be the featured soprano soloist in this work based on the poetry of five contemporary American poets and Rainer Maria Pilke.

Also, receiving its premiere is his recently written Requiem in the time of the coronarius (2020) for soprano, baritone, oboe, horn, and string ensemble at the Center for the Arts, Baltimore, Maryland by Bach in Baltimore under the direction of T. Herbert Dimmock. Featured in this four-movement work based on texts from Deborah Steed, 1 Corinthians 13, Petrarch and Michelangelo are Stephanie Kruskol, soprano; Jason Thoms, baritone; Sonja Thoms, oboe; and Jonas Thomas, horn. The requiem will be paired with J. S. Bach’s Cantata 4 (“Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands”) in a concert of remembrance for those who have died in the pandemic.
Introductory Video
Biography and Publications
The Art of the Thoms Family: A Musical History 1920-2010 - a booklet
Hollis Thoms: On Composing-Ten Selected Published Articles - a booklet
“Pulling Back the Curtains and Opening the Windows Wide” by Hollis Thoms-an article featuring his three grown children all professional musicians-a survey as basis for the article on the future of classical music in America
Binder with Composition and Articles/Talks listed
CD Thoms Sampler of Works
Photograph of Hollis Thoms
Selected Musical Compositions
“Adam and Eve” (2018) An opera for singers and chamber ensemble. Based on John Milton’s Paradise Lost (Book IX) and John Donne’s Holy Sonnet 13. Premiered on November 3, 2019 at Christ Lutheran Church Inner Harbor, Baltimore, Maryland as a part of the Bach in Baltimore Concert Series.
“Requiem in the time of the coronavirus” (2020) For soprano, baritone, oboe, horn, string ensemble. Premiered on November 7, 2021 by Bach in Baltimore, T. Herbert Dimmock, conductor; Maryland Boychoir Center for the Arts, Baltimore, Maryland. In four movements with the following texts: “Prayer” by Deborah Steed, 1 Corinthians 13, “Herbst” by Rainer Maria Rilke, a recitative from Bach’s Cantata 56, Petrarch and Michelangelo.
- Requiem-for-9-11.pdf_Part 1 (PDF)
- For a recent (September 12, 2021) performance of this work by the Dakota Pro Musica, go to and click on “Composing and Performing.”
- Requiem-for-9-11.pdf_Part 2 (PDF)
- Passion.pdf_Part 1 (PDF)
- Passion.pdf_Part 2 (PDF)
- Passion.pdf_Part 3 (PDF)
- Passion.pdf_Part 4 (PDF)
- Passion.pdf_Part 5 (PDF)
- Passion.pdf_Part 6 (PDF)
“And did the world with devils swarm, all gaping to devour us…” (2016), a chamber opera to commemorate the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s nailing of the 95 theses on the church doors of Wittenberg, to be premiered by the Bach Concert Series on November 5, 2017, Jason Thoms, baritone, Treva Foss, soprano and T. Herbert Dimmock, music director, at Christ Lutheran Church Inner Harbor, Baltimore, Maryland
Conductor’s Score with Herbert T. Dimmock’s signature on it
Program for concert with libretto
CD of the performance
Cycle of Prayers (2014), a cycle of seven motets for unaccompanied mixed choir based on collects from the Lutheran Book of Worship and The Book of Common Prayer, premiered by the Renaissance Singers of Annapolis February 11, 2017, Marc Donnelly, music director, at All Hallows Episcopal Church, Davidsonville, Maryland
Conductor’s Score with Marc Donnelly’s signature on it
Vocal Score with Jacqueline Thoms’ signature on it
Two programs from concert
CD of the performance
Talk given by Hollis Thoms
Photo of Renaissance Singers of Annapolis
Isaac (2011), a cantata based on the Abraham and Isaac story premiered by the Bach Concert Series on October 7, 2012, Jason Thoms, baritone, Treva Foss, soprano, Jacqueline Thoms, soprano, Kristopher Jean, tenor, and T. Herbert Dimmock, music director, at Christ Lutheran Church Inner Harbor, Baltimore, Maryland
Conductor’s Score with Herbert T. Dimmock’s signature on it
2 program from concert
CD of the performance
Photo of Caravaggio painting
Talk given by Hollis Thoms
“Who from our mothers arms” (2011) a setting for a chamber ensemble made up of family members of “Now Thank We All Our God” to commemorate the 100th birthday of Serena Sill and the 90th birthday of Norma Thoms, premiered on November 25, 2011 at Joy Reigns Lutheran Church, Edgewater, Maryland
Copy of score
Copy of service for Mothers
Photograph of our family with instruments
Photograph of Serena Sill and Norma Thoms
Christmas Works by Dr. Jason Thoms, son of Hollis Thoms
Messiah (2011) by Dr. Jason Thoms for soloists, mixed choir and chamber ensemble, premiered on December 11, 2011 at Concordia College-New York
Score of the work
Program of the premiere
CD of the premiere performance
Gloria (see “Hush”)
Four Published Christmas Motets
Copies of these 4 published works
CD of these 4 works
Two Commissioned Hymns with Concertato Accompaniments
“Ascend O Mighty One on High” (2009) a hymn concertato on a text by former Concordia University-Chicago professor Dr. Michael Meyer for congregation, choirs, brass quintet and organ, premiered at a Hymn Festival for Lutheran World Relief, Dr. Jason Thoms music director, on May 20, 2012 at Christ Lutheran Church Inner Harbor, Baltimore, Maryland
Score of the hymn tune and the choral concertato
Program of the Service at Christ Lutheran Church
Correspondence from Dr. Robert Baden
“Cross Purposes “ (2001) a hymn concertato on a text by former Concordia University-Irvine professor Dr. Robert Baden for congregation, choirs, brass trio and organ, premiered at Southwest Lutheran Educators Conference Opening Celebration, November 18,2001, Palm Springs, California
Score of the hymn tune and the choral concertato
Program of the Service in Palm Springs and Program of Wedding Processional where used as processional for wedding of Sonja Thoms and Jordan Winkler, October 14, 2006 Morgantown West Virginia
“Three Hymns”
“echoes of a time gone by” (2009) based on ten poems by former Concordia University-Chicago professor Dr. Michael Meyer for soprano, crotales, piccolo, flute, alto flute and piano, premiered on October 10, 2010 at Concordia University-Chicago, Lori Bormet, soprano, Donna Port, flute, Fionna Bezaire, piano
Score of the work signed by three performers
CD of the performance at Concordia
Program and poems from Michael Meyer
Holy Communion Service (2009) with expanded revisions of various sections of the liturgy for mixed choir, instruments and organ, performed over the years in a variety of settings
Score of complete liturgy
Scores of four expanded sections: Gloria, Offertory, Lord’s Prayer, Communion Song
Four bulletins from premieres of four expanded sections
Serenity : Psalm 23 (2008) for soprano, flute and organ premiered on August 15, 2010 Christ Lutheran Church Inner Harbor, Baltimore, Maryland and October 10, 2010, Grace Lutheran Church, River Forest, Illinois
Score of the work
Two bulletins from churches with performances
Now and for Always: Psalm 121 (2008) for soprano, oboe, horn and organ premiered on June 29, 2008 at Mt. Lebanon United Lutheran Church, Mt. Lebanon, Pennsylvania and August 2, 2009 Christ Lutheran Church Inner Harbor, Baltimore, Maryland
Score of the work
Two bulletins from churches with performances
Hush: “nothing can surpass the mystery of stillness” (2008) for flute and string quartet based on the hymn tune “Of the Father’s Love Begotten” and “Gloria” (2008) by son Dr. Jason Thoms premiered on November 15, 2009 at Concordia College-New York
Score of both works
Program of the premiere
CD recording of the premiere performances of both pieces
Passion (2007), an oratorio based on the Gospel of John, the Gospel of Nicodemus and a variety of religious poetry for soloists, mixed choir and large chamber ensemble premiered by the Bach Concert Series on March 27, 2011, Jason Thoms, baritone, Treva Foss, soprano, Kristopher Jean, tenor, Michael O’Hearn, bass and T. Herbert Dimmock, music director, at Christ Lutheran Church Inner Harbor, Baltimore, Maryland
Conductor’s score with Herbert T. Dimmock’s signature
Two programs from concert
CD of the performance
Published article on the premiere
Flyer from concert
Booklet from Bach Concert Series
Four photographs from the premiere performance
Rare book-Gospel of Nicodemus
Organ Symphony (2005), a five movement work for organ-Fantasy 1, Meditation 1, Fantasy 2, Meditation 2, Fugue: Meditation 1 premiered by Dr. Paul Davis on March 27, 2011 at Christ Lutheran Church Inner Harbor, Baltimore, Maryland; Fantasy 2 premiered by Jonathan Story on March 12, 2006 at Central United Methodist Church, Fayetteville, Arkansas
Score of the work
Program of premiere of Fantasy 2
CD of Fantasy 2 with Jonathan Story, organist
Te Deum (1989) for soprano solo, mixed choir, handbells and chamber ensemble performed on January 18, 1991 by the Heritage Chorale at Euclid Avenue Methodist Church, Oak Park, Illinois, Dr. Anne Armetta, conductor and in a revised and expanded setting on March 12, 2006 at Central United Methodist Church, Fayetteville, Arkansas, Dr. Jason Thoms, conductor
Score of work
Programs from both performances
CD of performance in Arkansas
Psalm 32, 98, General Psalm, Magnificat, and Psalm 8: Five Psalm Settings for Voices and Instruments
Scores of five works
Program and CD of Psalm 32 premiered by Sonja (Thoms) Winkler on her masters recital at Rice University, October 30, 2004
Program of Psalm 98 at Christ Lutheran Church Inner Harbor, Baltimore, Maryland on August 10, 2008 with notes from both Dr. Paul Davis and Pastor John Sabatelli
No programs from “Sing to the Lord”-many performances of this work over the years
Programs of performance of Magnificat, St. Martin’s Lutheran Church, Annapolis, Maryland on December 28, 2003 and All Hallows Episcopal Church, December 25, 2015
Program of performance of Psalm 8 at St. Martin’s Lutheran Church, Annapolis, Maryland on June 6, 2004
Requiem for 9/11 (2003) for soprano and string orchestra based on poems by Seuss, Day, Vigier, Mason, Barnstone and Rilke premiered in May 2003 in a rehearsal at the Eastman School of Music, Rochester, New York, Heather Gardner, soprano and Sonja (Thoms) Winkler, conductor; subsequent concert performances over the years in Maryland and New York City with Treva Foss, soprano, and Dr. Jason Thoms, conductor. The work is part of the 9/11 National Memorial in New York City
Score of the work
CD of one the performances
Programs from three performances: September 11, 2005, St. John’s College, Annapolis, Maryland, September 11, 2008, Concordia College-New York; 10th Anniversary on 9/11, Christ Lutheran Church Inner Harbor, September 11, 2011
Article from the Annapolis Capital
Lecture on “Requiem for 9/11” by Hollis Thoms
“I didn’t know” (2004), movement 2 from the “Requiem for 9/11” arranged for mixed choir and violin by Dr. Paul Weber and taken on tour with his Lenoir-Rhyne A Cappella Choir
Score of piece
CD of performance
Program from tour
Two Commissioned Choral Pieces on Texts by Michael Kramer
“Angels Sing Rejoicing” (2002) for mixed choir, trumpet, organ and timpani, commissioned by the Lutheran High School of Orange County
“Zion is Filled” (2002) for mixed chorus and piano, commissioned by Zion Lutheran Church, Anaheim, California
Scores of both works
Commissioning letters for both works
Programs from both premieres
Three Christmas Pieces
Hush : Christmas Story (2002) for voices, flute and string quartet based on the Luke 2 Christmas Story premiered December 24, 2002 at Salem Lutheran Church, Glendale, California;
Simple, tender babe (2006) based on two poems by Robert Southwell for soprano and baritone and chamber ensemble (no performance yet of this work);
Child in a Manger (2015) for mixed choir, oboe and organ premiered December 24, 2015 at All Hallows Episcopal Church, Davidsonville, Maryland
Scores of three works
Program from Hush premiere
Letter from Paul Bouman to Hollis Thoms
Texts of the Robert Southwell poems
Program from Child in a Manger premiere
Two Choral Works dedicated to Carl Schalk and Richard Hillert
Elegy: Psalm 46 (2001) for mixed choir, handbells, cello, string bass and timpani commissioned by and dedicated to Dr. Carl Schalk and Grace Lutheran Church, River Forest, Illinois for the 100th anniversary celebration, premiered on October 27, 2002 as part of the Bach Concert Series, Grace Lutheran Church, River Forest, Illinois and later performed on October 28, 2007 at Christ Lutheran Church Inner Harbor, Baltimore, Maryland
Score of the work
Program of the premiere at Grace
Letter commissioning me to write a piece from Carl Schalk
Program from performance at CIH
God’s Peace: Agnus Dei (1997) for mixed choir dedicated to Richard Hillert, premiered at the doctoral recital of Dr. Jason Thoms on February 9, 2003 at Martin Luther Chapel, East Lansing, Michigan
Score of the work
Program of the premiere
CD of the performance
Two Commissioned Works 2001
A Joyful Noise! (1998) for soloists, mixed choir, flute, brass quintet, piano, organ and timpani commissioned by Salem Lutheran Church, Glendale, California for its 75th anniversary celebration, premiered on May 20, 2001 Jason Thoms, baritone, Treva Foss, soprano, and Robert Skinnell, music director, at Salem Lutheran Church, Glendale, California
Score of the work
Program of 75th anniversary celebration
CD of the 75th anniversary service
Prepare the Way (2001) for mixed choir, two trumpets and organ commissioned by Mt. Lebanon United Lutheran Church, Mt. Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Score of the work
Letter from Pastor Pedersen nominating the piece for the Raabe Prize
Program from a subsequent performance on December 12, 2010
“Amazing Grace” (2000) setting by Hollis Thoms, taken from his song cycle “Silence” which premiered on August 20, 2000 at a recital at Salem Lutheran Church, Glendale California, and subsequently revised and was recorded by daughter-in-law Treva Foss for a CD recording of Come Sunday: Sacred American Songs
Program from the original premiere of “Silence” August 20, 2000
Original score of movement 6 from the work-Silence: Redemption that includes a setting of “Amazing Grace”
CD Come Sunday: Sacred American Songs with the revised version of Silence: Redemption just using the “Amazing Grace” portion, Track 6
Two Works Discussed on May 18, 1997 Adult Education Class, Grace Lutheran Church, River Forest
Take them in your arms (1997) for soprano, oboe and strings based on a text by Diane Steed, premiered on May 18, 1997, Susan Krout Lyons, soprano, Sonja (Thoms) Winkler, oboe, and string ensemble, Hollis Thoms, conductor, Grace Lutheran Church, River Forest, Illinois
Score of the work-manuscript copied
Handout for May 18 Adult Education Class
Flyer notice of class
Letter of appreciation from Jennie Hurrelbrink from Adult Education Committee
Love Never Ends (1996) for baritone, oboe, horn and strings based on 1 Corinthians 13, and written for the 50th wedding anniversary of William and Norma Thoms, performed on September 1, 1996 at Mt. Lebanon Lutheran Church, May 18, 1997, Douglas Anderson, baritone, Sonja (Thoms) Winkler, oboe, Jonas Thoms, horn and string ensemble, Hollis Thoms, conductor, and June 8, 1997 at Grace Lutheran Church, River Forest, Illinois
Score of the work-manuscript copied
Photograph of William and Norma Thoms
Program from 50th wedding anniversary celebration, June 8, 1997, Grace Lutheran Church, River Forest, Illinois
Praise to the Lord (1996) a hymn choral concertato commissioned by Grace Lutheran Church, River Forest, Illinois for the Centennial of Grace Lutheran School
Score of the work
Program of the premiere
Commissioning letter from John Folkening, music director
Two Choral Works Based On Poems by E. E. Cummings
“a blue true dream of sky” (1993) based on a poem by E.E. Cummings for treble voices, handbells and piano, commissioned and premiered on May 21, 1994 by the Oak Park-River Forest Children’s Choir under the direction of Carolyn Paulin and subsequent performances by over the years by Lenoir Rhyne Youth Chorus under the direction of Florence Jowers
Score of the work
Programs from premiere performance, May 21, 1994, and a subsequent performance on November 23, 2003
CD of Florence Jowers’ performance of the work
“…I am a little church” (2007) based on a poem by E. E. Cummings for mixed choir, handbells, piano and organ (not yet performed)
Score of the work
CD of the computer realization of the work
Two Instrumental Works Dedicated to Richard Hillert
A Trumpet None Can Silence (1993) for wind symphony and based on a hymn by Richard Hillert and dedicated to Richard Hillert premiered on April 24, 1994 by the Concordia University Wind Symphony, Concordia University-Chicago, Dr. Richard Fischer, conductor
Score of work-manuscript
Program from performance
Letter from Hillert to me on the work
“Angels” (2007) for harpsichord based on Richard Hillert’s “He Shall Give His Angels Charge Over You”
Score of the work
CD of the computer realization of the work (has not yet been performed)