“I still remember how my high school counselor reacted when I showed her the financial aid packet from CUC. I showed her the packet because I couldn’t understand anything from it. She looked at it and said, ‘Zahra, you’re basically going there for free! This is great, this is amazing!’ Concordia-Chicago made it possible financially for me to go there, and they were very supportive.
“I had no idea what I wanted to do right after high school, so when I got to CUC it was kind of tough to figure out what major I wanted to go into. It was really nice to get into a school where everyone is so kind and has the time to give you to figure that out. I ultimately chose sociology with minors in psychology and communications.
“You walk on the campus and you see the same faces and everyone knows you and everyone is just so friendly. I remember the first day I walked on the campus. The sense of community at Concordia-Chicago is beautiful.”
