“When I first started at a different college, it was the peak of COVID. There was very little interaction. It was all Zoom classes. Transferring into Concordia-Chicago, I’ll admit I was a little scared. I didn’t know anyone. Then we had Welcome Weekend, and I was like, ‘OK! I’ve made a zillion friends and it was really easy to do.’ That definitely helped me realize that this was the right place to be. Even if I was a year or so older than everyone else, it didn't really matter. We were all starting anew.
“Music has always been one of my favorite things to do as a hobby, or even as a profession. I joined the Prayer and Praise band almost right away, and that has been really nice. If I were to be able to play ‘just because,’ I would love to do that. I really like instruments in general, I like learning how they play. As I envision my future as a director of Christian education (DCE), I would really like to incorporate music into my work.”

Director of Christian education major