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Hillert family representative/Kathryn Hillert Brewer

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Decimals refer to the folder in the manuscript archive

Agnus Dei 74.02 (PDF downloadable file)

Three choirs (SATB, SA, SAB), percussion I: portable wood, metal, glass; percussion II: mallet instruments
Text: traditional Greek text and English translation: from Isaiah 53, John 1, Rev. 5
Commissioned by Lutheran Collegiate Music Association
Orchestra Hall, Chicago, 28 April 1974. Performed by Oak Park Concert Chorale and Paul Lindblad Choristers, spring 2002

Alleluia 93.01 (PDF downloadable)


Alleluia Christ Being Raised from the Dead 88.01 (PDF downloadable)

Flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, bass, choirs I and II, keyboard

Alleluia Give Thanks to the Lord 88.02 (PDF downloadable)

Flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, bass, choirs I and II, keyboard

Awake, Thou Spirit, Who Didst Fire 63.03 (PDF downloadable file)

SATB, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, timpani, organ

Cantata for the Day of Pentecost 56.01 (PDF downloadable)

SATB, flute, strings
Text: from proper for Pentecost Sunday

Cantata No. 2 60.05 (PDF downloadable file) (PDF file)

SATB, bassoon, brass sextet (2.2.2), timpani, strings
Preludio; Chorus; Hymn (DOXOLOGY): So Shall Our Song of Praise

Chorale Cantata: Dear Christians One and All Rejoice 83.15 (PDF downloadable)

SATB, flute, oboe, 2 horns, keyboard, strings
Text: Martin Luther, tr. by R. Massie
For the Lutheran Chorale of Milwaukee, 27 Nov. 1983, Kurt Eggert, dir.

Festival Canticle: Worthy Is Christ 75.03 (PDF downloadable) (mp3 file) (mp3 file)

Unison (with descant), single or multiple choirs, brass quartet, (opt. cello/bass), timpani, organ
First performance: Grace Lutheran Church, River Forest, 30 Mar. 1975, Paul Bouman, dir.
Score; choir/organ editions, CPH 1976
Congregation refrain edition, CPH 1979

Festival Kyrie 90.03 / 97.10 / 00.01 (mp3 file)

Four antiphonal choirs, unison and SATB (SSA), organ, and opt. brass (2 trumpets, 2 trombones, tuba)
Text: traditional Kyrie, with troping, RH

Festival Psalm for Easter Day 81.03 / 01.04 (PDF downloadable file)

Congregation, SATB , brass, timpani
Texts: Antiphon, "This is the day.../'choir
Psalm 118, congregation (LBW Psalm Tone I)
Grace Church, River Forest, 19 April 1981

Festival Psalm: Sing to the Lord a New Song 99.08 (PDF downloadable file)

Congregation, choirs I and II, brass quartet, timpani, organ
Text: Ps. 96            
Grace Lutheran School dedication, 12 Sept. 1999

Festival Te Deum 80.03 (PDF downloadable)

Setting of the Venite from Morning Prayer, LBW
Congregation, SATB, bells, brass (opt. string bass), organ
For the Festival Service of the National Convention of the American Guild of Organists, Minneapolis, 16 June 1980
Full score and choral/organ editions, APH, 1981

Festival Venite 80.02 (PDF downloadable)

Setting of Venite from Morning Prayer, LBW
Congregation, SATB, handbells, brass (opt. string bass), organ
For the Festival Service of the National Convention of the American Guild of Organists, Minneapolis, 16 June 1980
Full score and choral/organ editions, APH, 1981

Five Canticles from the Exodus 58.01

Mixed chorus, brass ( timpani, percussion, 2 pianos, 4 contrabrasses
Text: from Exodus 15
First performance: Third Annual Lutheran Intercollegiate Choral Festival, Milwaukee Arena, Victor Hildner, dir., 13 April 1958

How Great Is Your Name 87.06 (PDF downloadable)

Processional Anthem for unison or SATB voices, congregation, organ, with opt. brass quintet and timpani
Text: from Psalm 100; refrain from Psalm 8
For the Diocesan Centennial Celebration, Belleville, IL

I Was Glad When They Said to Me 68.06 (mp3 file) (PDF downloadable)

Children's choir, SAB, and oboe

In Adam We Have All Been One 78.11 (PDF downloadable)

SATB, string quartet
Based on THE SAINT'S DELIGHT from Southern Harmony, 1835
Text: Martin H. Franzmann

Jubilate Deo I 70.05 (PDF downloadable)

Men’s choir (TTBB), 3 trumpets, 2 trombones

Jubilate Deo II 83.14

SATB, 3 trumpets,2 horns, 2 trombones, tuba, 2 contrabasses, timpani

Magnificat 57.02

Choirs of Trinity Lutheran, Wausau and Concordia College River Forest, 10 Feb. 1957

May God Bestow on Us His Grace 64.01 (PDF downloadable)

Chorale Cantata for mixed chorus and brass (3 trumpets, 2 trombones)
For Centennial of Concordia College, River Forest, Illinois, 1964
CPH 1966

Mighty and Wonderful Are Your Works 91.08 (PDF downloadable)

Anthem for chorus and wind symphony
Text: Revelation 15: 3-4
For the Sesquicentennial year opening Mass of University of Notre Dame, 15
Sept. 1991, George Wiskirchen, dir.

Millennium Te Deum 99.10

End of the Millennium, 2000 A.D.
Cantor, SATB
Gregorian chant, polyphonic motet response
For the Schola Cantorum of St. Peter, Apostle, J. Michael Thompson, dir.

Motet for the Day of Pentecost 69.02

Choir (SATB), vibraphone, prerecorded tape

Text: from Acts 2

For transworld tour of Concordia College Choir, spring 1969
Thomas Gieschen, dir.

Motet for the Time of Easter 71.01

Mixed chorus (double SATB), percussion, and harp
Text: Victimi paschali laudes, Christ Jesus Lay in Death's Strong Bands, Christ Is
Arisen, various propers for Easter Day

O God, Our Help in Ages Past 63.02 (PDF downloadable file)

SATB, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, timpani, organ

O Ruler of the Universe 79.01

Canticle: Magna et mirabilia
SATB, brass quartet, organ

On This Day Earth Shall Ring 92.11 / 96.14 (PDF downloadable)

SATB, keyboard edition, CPH, 1995
Full score: Children's choir and SATB, 2 flutes, 2 oboes; bassoon, 2 horns, 2 trumpets, 2 trombones, harp, strings
CPH 1996

Remember Jesus Christ, Raised from the Dead 95.09 (PDF downloadable)

Canticle for the Call to the Holy Ministry
Congregation, choir I and II, organ; opt. 2 trumpets, 2 trombone, tuba, timpani
Choirs of St. Louis Seminary, May 1995, Henry V. Gerike, dir.

Responsories for Nocturn I: Tenebrae of Good Friday 78.05

Text: tr. from traditional Latin

    1. All My Friends Have Forsaken me (Omnes Amici Mei)
    2. The Curtain of the Temple Was Torn in Two (VelumTempli)
    3. My Chosen Vineyard, It Is I That Have Planted You (Vinea Mea)

Seven Psalms of Grace 98.01

Baritone solo, children's choir, SATB, chamber orchestra Poems by Jill Pelez Baumgaertner
Performance: Founders' Day Concert, Grace Lutheran Church, River Forest, 1 Feb. 1998, Doulgas E. Anderson, baritone, John Folkening and Carl Schalk, dirs.

1. Genesis (mp3 file)
2. The Word Made Flesh (PDF downloadable file) (mp3 file)
3. The Temptation (PDF downloadable file) (PDF downloadable file) (mp3 file)
4. Gethsemane (PDF downloadable file) (mp3 file) (mp3 file)
5. The Silence (mp3 file)
6. Redemption (mp3 file)
7. How Great Is Your Name (mp3 file)

Seward Te Deum 94.02 (PDF downloadable)

SATB, 2 trumpets, horn, trombone, tuba, cello, bass, timpani, organ
For the Centennial of Concordia College, Seward, Nebraska, 7 May 1994

Te Deum 62.10 (PDF downloadable) (mp3 file)

Choir, woodwinds. (, brass (3.3.1), bass, timpani, percussion, 2 pianos
First performance: Concordia College, River Forest, IL, 8 Apr.1962, Herbert Gotsch, dir.

The Alleluiatic Sequence 80.04 (PDF downloadable file)(PDF downloadable file) (mp3 file)

Two choirs (SATB), brass ensemble (, vibraphone, glockenspiel, timpani, organ
Text: 10th-century sequence hymn, tr. John Mason Neale
Dedication service of Chapel of Our Lord, Concordia College, River Forest,18 May 1980

The Christmas Story According to St. Luke 66.03 (mp3 file) (PDF file)

Cantata for unison or two-part choir or soloists, flute, oboe,
2 violins, cello, organ (opt. version with organ-only accompaniment)
Published in full score and choral/organ editions
CPH 1967

The Destruction of Jerusalem 51.03

Cantata for SATB choir and 2 flutes
Text: Luke 19 and 21

The Miraculous Draft of Fishes 80.01 (PDf downloadable)

SATB, T, B soloists, flute, oboe, strings Text: from Luke 5

The Passion According to Saint John 73.02 (PDF downloadable)

Cantata for SATB, soloists, vibraphone (or keyboard, harp, etc.)
Text: John 18 and 19-The Gospel for Good Friday

The Seven Words from the Cross 04.01

Gospel narratives of the crucifixion
SATB, soloist, optional handbells
Prepared for the Pro Musica Sacra, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO. Henry Gerike, director
Published by CPH 97-7169

The Spirit of God Hovers, Creates, Descends... 02.11 (PDF downloadable) (mp3 file)

SATB, organ
Text: Don E. Sabers, paraphrase of Ps. 150
For the dedication of the Litourneau Organ at the Ev. Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Atlanta, 15 Dec. 2002

We Are One In Christ 86.01 (PDF downloadable)

A Canticle of Christian Unity
SATB, keyboard and opt. instruments (2 trumpets, 2 trombones, timpani)
Text: from Romans 12 and Ephesians 4
For the Hong Kong International School, William Kuhn, dir.
APH, 1987

We Proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord 96.02 (PDF downloadable)

Canticle for the Celebration of the Teaching Ministry
Choir, flute, oboe, horn, strings
Inauguration of George Heider as President of Concordia University, River Forest, IL, Mar. 1996

We Rely On the Power of God 83.12 (mp3 file) (PDF downloadable)

A Canticle for the Celebration of the Holy Ministry
SATB, congregation, brass, handbells, timpani
Text: from 2 Timothy
For the Installation of Anthony J. Bevilaqua as Bishop of Pittsburgh
Performed in Phoenix, Arizona, at celebration of the Mass with Pope John Paul, 14 Sept, 1987
GIA 1983