Since its inception in 2006, every enrolled student has signed our Honor Code pledge:

“As a student of CUC and a member of the larger society, I pledge to uphold an academic honor code that supports serving and leading with strong personal integrity. Specifically this includes not cheating or using inappropriate or dishonest means to complete anything I do for a grade, program or graduation requirement. This also includes not giving unauthorized assistance to, or participating in inappropriate collaboration with, others. I understand that this is a privilege and it is my responsibility to uphold actively this honor system. Furthermore, this pledge signifies that I will treat others with utmost respect in my academic pursuits, within and beyond the confines of a classroom, as I expect others to treat me.”

In our community of scholars we expect and count on all members of the community--faculty, staff and students--to act with integrity. If you have any questions regarding the use of acceptable or unacceptable aids particular to each course, it is your responsibility to contact your instructor or the Director of the Office of Academic Integrity. A printable copy of the University Honor Code can be found online.

Additional resources can be found on Concordia Connect:

  • Honor Code Violation Forms - visit the Resources tab and use the Forms Repository to download a Word or fillable PDF document
  • Honor Code Council Application - visit the Resources tab and use the Form Repository
  • Academic Support Resources - visit the Faculty Resources portlet